Sooty metal city / sun rises grey /coal dust in the
air / smudges of people / drip along the sidewalks / like slug trails glisten /
dirty canals / floating iridescent scum / smeared across the landscape / rises
metal city / clanging, pile-driven / welded flowing metal /no sparks to stone
towers / bleached bones under a steely sky…
When I found you in this part of the city
Down here, here, where the sun never shines
You were surrounded by the smiles of indifference
Wounded, all broken inside
Your parents they told you about the City Primeval
You left home, home, for a season in hell
And abandoned by the councils and government
No place, no place, to ever call your own
From station to basement, you gotta keep moving
You go around and around and around and around
Down and down and down in the City Primeval
City Primeval, City Primeval, evil, evil, City
Dull angry people, stupid with fear
Clocks in their veins, the time’s drawing near
Sooty metal city, dark jagged towers
Teeth to devour souls by the hour
The rain that deafens, too botched to change
Glistening streets, rivers of souls
And the smack and the speed and the pushers you need
And all too soon another mouth to feed
Is this what you wanted, is this what you need
Down down, down, down, down in the City Primeval
City Primeval, City Primeval, evil, evil, City
From station to basement, from the park to the
You gotta keep moving, no place of your own
Or the councils and government take away your
Then you go down, down, down, down
Around and around and around in the City Primeval
City Primeval, City Primeval, evil, evil, City